Are You Taking Your Digital Consumers on the Journey of Their Lives?
Have you ever been in a public place, an airport, a tube, or even a restaurant and you started smiling while looking at your phone and...
Did you know Bimodal IT might make your IT Organisation Bi-Polar?
In the digital age, where companies are driving towards digital excellence and moving towards a consumer-oriented enterprises by evolving...
Do you have the Key Digital Features for your Sharing Economy Platform?
Reflecting back on December 2019 where I and my friends were buying things from EBay, checking Airbnb for places to rent, using Uber to...
The Complete Guide to Digital Workplace Implementation
"Being a customer is a pleasure, being an employee is a fight!" The above quote is a simple and complete description of what I hear from...
Do you have the Ultimate Digital Consumer Support Ecosystem?
Do you remember the time when you are at work and using a word processing application and wanted to get a neat feature that you saw your col