Books for Hooks
“Days are long but years pass by!” I love this saying because I experience it regularly, at work, at home, and now with this blog. 2...
Harnessing the 6 Dimensions of Culture for the Digital World
So its been a while since my last blog and this is due to the fact that I have taken a new role, in a new company, and in a new country....
Are You Taking Your Digital Consumers on the Journey of Their Lives?
Have you ever been in a public place, an airport, a tube, or even a restaurant and you started smiling while looking at your phone and...
Content Structure: The Story for your Information Story
In the digital world, more than 95% of interactions between digital consumers and digital enterprises are "humanless" i.e. Automated with...
Net Neutrality - The Highway of the digital world
Recently I have driven from England to Denmark and amazingly crossed 6 countries on the way: England, France, Belgium, Netherlands,...
The Uncommon Use of Common Wearables
As a James Bond movie enthusiast, I was always waiting for the part of the movie when James Bond is presented with his new "toys",...
How to capture, measure and convert Digital Engagement?
If you are a frequent flyer like myself (not that it is a great thing), you would have definitely seen and probably used at the airport...
Blockchain - Breaking any chains and blocks assumed in today's economy
Money - An interesting concept which no one can't live without. It has been with us for thousands of years in various forms, mainly as an...
What does the future look like for the Digital Consumer?
"I kept dreaming of a world, I thought I'd never see. And then one day...I got in"! This quote is one of the best quotes I've heard. This...
Are you prepared for the unexpected?
"We will never be able to solve the problems of tomorrow with thinking of today" - Albert Einstein In one of Steve Jobs key notes, he...